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Download GPL BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro v1.1.0 - BuddyPressプラグイン

BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro allows you to add users as friends, followers or following to the newly registered member. It allows site admin to create multiple users list which can be automatically added as friends or followers to new members or force the new members to follow the lists.

The plugin can be used to create a global list(The users from this list will be always added as a friend to the new user) as well as conditional lists. You can specify one or more conditions for matching the list to the new user(based on profile field data or member type or role). Users from all the matching lists will be added as a friend to the new user.


  • Allow site admin to create multiple lists.
  • Each list can be used as a friendship list or follower list or following list.
  • Friendship lists add the new user as friends of all the users from the list if they match the criteria.
  • The follower list adds the matching users from the list as a follower of the new user.
  • The following list adds the new user as a follower of the matching users from the lists.
  • Allow site admin to add any number of users to individual friendship/followers/following list.
  • Allows site admin to create conditional as well as global auto friendship/follow/following list.
  • Bulk synchronize for existing users.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)