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ダウンロードGPL Asset CleanUp Pro - パフォーマンスWordPressプラグイン

Asset CleanUp Pro Features

  • Decreases number of HTTP requests loaded (important for faster page load)
  • Reduces the HTML code of the actual page (that’s even better if GZIP compression is enabled)
  • Makes source code easier to scan in case you’re a developer and want to search for something
  • Remove possible conflicts between plugins/theme (e.g. 2 JavaScript files that are loading from different plugins and they interfere one with another)
  • Better performance score if you test your URL on websites such as GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Website Speed Test
  • Google will love your website more as it would be faster and fast page load is nowadays a factor in search ranking
  • Your server access log files (e.g the Apache ones) will be easier to scan and would take less space on your server




+133 3643 8551(V同期)