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ダウンロード GPL AMPforWP 1.0.87 (+46 Extension Bundle)

AMPforWP Extension Bundle:

  • AAWP for AMP 1.0.3
  • ACF for AMP 2.8.9
  • Advanced A 1.19.28
  • AMP Cache 2.2.12
  • AMP Comments 2.7.13
  • AMP CTA 2.3.28
  • AMP Custom Post Type 1.6.2
  • AMP Email 1.0
  • AMP Gravity Forms 2.9.31
  • AMP Layouts  1.9.36
  • AMP Opt-in Forms 1.9.41
  • AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility
  • AMP Pop-up 1.5.22
  • AMP Rating 2.8.3
  • AMP Shortcodes Ultimate 1.6.0
  • AMP Stories  1.4.14
  • AMP Teaser 1.5.3
  • AMP WooCommerce Pro  3.3.37
  • bbPress for AMP 1.4.4
  • Caldera Forms for AMP 1.2.6
  • CCPA for AMP  1.0.1
  • Classipress for AMP  0.8
  • Contact Form 7 for AMP 1.53
  • Conversion Goals Tracking for AMP 1.0
  • Easy Table of Contents for AMP 1.0.5
  • EDD for AMP  1.3.4
  • Facebook Chat For AMP  1.2.4
  • Floating Button for AMP 1.0.7
  • Formidable forms for AMP 1.0.6
  • Forminator for AMP 1.0.1
  • Happyforms for AMP 1.0
  • Izooto for AMP 1.0
  • JW Player Compatibility for AMP 0.5
  • Liveblog For AMP 1.0.1
  • LuckyWP Table of Contents for AMP 1.1.6
  • Newspaper AMP Theme 2.0.39
  • Ninja Forms for AMP 1.2.8
  • Paid Memberships Pro For AMP 1.0.3
  • Pinterest for AMP 1.1.3
  • Polls for AMP 1.1.3
  • Polylang For AMP 1.2.6
  • Post Views for AMP  1.0.4
  • Purge AMP CDN Cache 2.0.5
  • Reading Progress Bar for AMP 1.0
  • Recipe Compatibility for AMP 1.0.3
  • Smart Sticky Header for AMP 1.0.1
  • Subdomain Endpoints for AMP 1.1.6
  • Table Of Content Plus For AMP 3 1.6.7
  • The Events Calendar for AMP1.4.15
  • Transposh for AMP 1.0
  • Ultimate Membership Pro Compatibility for AMP 1.0
  • WP Forms for AMP 1.3.10
  • WPML For AMP 1.7.6

This is an all-in-one plugin that will instantly optimize your WordPress site for AMP. AMP for WP offers a large selection of extensions and added support options and features a broad range of design customization tools.

AMP for WP undergoes regular updates to fix bugs, add new features, and perform system tests. Easy to use by WordPress novices and experts alike with a consistent reputation for reliability, responsiveness, and versatility.  AMP for WP is the best AMP WordPress plugin listed here.

Features and Usage

One of the best features of AMP for WP is its Custom AMP Editor which allows WP site developers to create mutually exclusive page designs, updates, and content for the AMP side of a WP site.

This plugin includes a drag-and-drop page builder, which quickly works for customizing your WordPress sites layout and user experience. AMP for WP implements Mobile Redirection, which results in a fast WP site loading speed on any device—thereby, improving your Google SEO rating and raises your SERPS ranking.

AMP for WP has been designed proficiently, both on the front end and on the administrative back end. The developers of AMP for WP spent considerable effort to create a plugin that exceeded its requirements.

AMP for WP supports Carousel Galleries, as well as support for YouTube video embedding, Vine embeds, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook insert and more. The six available AMP for WP plugin extensions, give users the ability to add email support functionality, custom post types, AMP WooCommerce, and more with several added extensions to be released soon.




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