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ダウンロード GPL AmaLinks Pro + Tables 1.5.7 - Amazon & AmaLinks Proでブログでお金を稼ぐ

Easier To Monetize Your Pages

Amalinks Pro helps you monetize your pages by helping you add affiliate links of all types. You can add text, pictures, buttons, showcase boxes (these are awesome), and tables. The whole plugin is very easy to use and there’s almost no learning curve.
Looks Great

The monetization you add won’t look spammy or gross. Amalinks Pro buttons, tables, showcase boxes are very attractive plus you can customize almost everything. That’s good news for your branding and building a custom look.
Fast Product Changes With Shortcodes

One thing I love about Amalinks Pro is that they let you change your buttons and product boxes with a single shortcode. You change the ASIN and you’re set. That’s good news since it saves you time and helps your writers guarantee accuracy with every product.




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