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ダウンロード GPL Admin Columns Pro BuddyPress 1.4.1 - WordPressコンテンツ管理プラグイン

With Admin Columns Pro you can have all the relevant product information on a single screen.

By default, the products page contains little information about your products: it shows the name, SKU, stock and price. Admin Columns allow you to fully customize the products list table by adding meaningful columns which will display ANY piece of product data.

Easier Product Management

Finding the rights products is key for managing your shop. You can now filter and sort products any almost any product data.

Another great feature is inline editing. This allows you to update your content quickly. Do not waste time opening the product edit page in order to make changes. This is unnecessarily time-consuming. You can update products right from the products list table.

It’s a huge time saver when managing your inventory.




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