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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Quick Export Premium 1.16.0

Manage more easily the information of your store

CSV files are the perfect tool to manage big amounts of information: they are easy to consult and readable by almost any application.
YITH WooCommerce Quick Export offers different exportation options: about orders, for example, you can export a certain time span data, or schedule an automatic and recurrent exportation.

The same goes also for customers or coupons and, to grant a better security, the plugin lets you make an automatic backup on Dropbox. In this way, all the extracted information will be also saved on the famous file hosting platform, making new exports or a complete list of the past exports always available, even with a direct link to the related file.


How I can benefit from it:

  • Increase the safety of your e-commerce shop data with automatic Dropbox backups on CSV files.
  • The export process gets flexible: choose which information to export and how often (daily, weekly, monthly and so on)




+133 3643 8551(V同期)