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ダウンロードGPL wpDiscuz 7.6.21 (+すべての17アドオン) - WordPressのコメントプラグインアドオン

wpDiscuz Addons included:

  • wpDiscuz – Bundle
  • wpDiscuz – Emoticons
  • wpDiscuz – Media Uploader
  • wpDiscuz – Embeds
  • wpDiscuz – Comment Author Info
  • wpDiscuz – Google ReCaptcha
  • wpDiscuz – myCRED Integration
  • wpDiscuz – Widgets
  • wpDiscuz – Front-end Moderation
  • wpDiscuz – Subscription Manager
  • wpDiscuz – Comment Search
  • wpDiscuz – Comment Translation
  • wpDiscuz – Comment Report and Flagging
  • wpDiscuz – Ads Manager
  • wpDiscuz – User & Comment Mentioning
  • wpDiscuz – Advanced Likers
  • wpDiscuz – Comments Censure
  • wpDiscuz – Online Users
  • wpDiscuz – Private Comments
  • wpDiscuz – Syntax Highlighter

AJAX realtime comment system with custom comment form and fields. Designed to supercharge WordPress native comments. Super fast and responsive with dozens of features. This is the best alternative to Disqus and Jetpack Comments, if you want to keep your comments in your database.

wpDiscuz version 7 is a revolutionary perspective on the commenting world! This plugin changes your website commenting experience and provides you with new user engagement features. It’s totally improved with brand new innovative features bringing live to your website.




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