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ダウンロード GPL WP FeedBack 1.2.0 - 顧客とコミュニケーションする最も簡単な方法

Talking with clients is everyone’s favorite thing to do, right?

Have you ever been right on the edge of wrapping up a project, only to fly face-first into a brick wall because you and your client can’t be on the same page?

Maybe you are still waiting for that piece of content you requested two months ago, or your client still needs to give you detailed feedback about the new landing page you designed. Whatever it may be, it’s hindering your business, stunting your growth with delayed payments and taking up precious time that you could be using to find your next big project.

This is why this time around, we are reviewing a brand new plugin, WP FeedBack that allows you and your clients to communicate visually on a live website.

The idea behind the plugin is to streamline communications to the point where all stakeholders are always on the same page. As a result, you and the client save a lot of time and you can dedicate the newly-found time on working on the project.




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