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ダウンロード GPL BuddyPress User Blog v1.3.3 - BuddyPressプラグイン

BuddyPress User Blog

Provide your members with their own blog and a great writing experience.

Whether you have a community site and would like to give your users the ability to blog, or want to create a blogging platform focused on publishing, this plugin is for you.


A Blog for Every Member

Give your members the ability to create blog posts, and manage their own blog. Allow them to directly publish their masterpieces or send them for review. Combine everyone’s posts into a central blog, and easily navigate to any member’s profile to read just their posts.



We have put together an excellent user interface that enhances your bloggers’ writing experience. Let your users take advantage of the clean and uncluttered frontend editor and wow them with this state of the art interface.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)