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ダウンロード GPL Woocommerce Tree Table Rate Shipping Pro 1.27.6

Shipping classes
Define shipping costs per specific shipping classes individually.
Shipping zones
Setup rates per delivery areas defined by zip/postal codes, states, and countries.
Weight-based shipping
Both progressive rates and flat rates table are supported.
Free and flat rate shipping
Offer a free or a flat rate delivery depending on order subtotal, destination or other attributes.
International shipping
Offer different shipping rates for international orders.
Flat rate box shipping
List boxes, envelopes, tubes or other packages you ship with and plugin will try to pack order items into them to determine shipping cost.
Third-party plugins integration: DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS, and more
Enable or disable other WooCommerce shipping plugins depending on various conditions supported by Tree Table Rate Shipping. Combine two or more shipping methods.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)