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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Order Status Control 1.15.2

について WooCommerce Order Status Control extension gives you control over which types of paid orders should be automatically placed in Completed status.

By default, WooCommerce will only auto-complete paid orders for products that are both Virtual and Downloadable, assuming that the shop needs to fulfill/ship any orders that don’t meet these criteria. However, some shops want to automatically complete other types of orders, too. With Order Status Control, you can also choose to automatically complete:

  • No orders, regardless of the ordered products
  • All paid orders, regardless of the ordered products
  • Paid orders for Virtual products, without requiring that these products also be marked Downloadable

Once an order set to auto-complete is paid, it will skip the Processing step and go directly to Completed status. This streamlines order administration for orders that don’t require any action between the Processing and Completed order stages.




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