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ダウンロード GPL RafflePress 1.12.15 - WordPressのプレゼントとコンテストプラグイン

RafflePress is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that makes creating viral giveaways on your blog super easy.

Created by the team behind SeedProd, it’s packed full of great features that helps turn your blog visitors into brand ambassadors. As a result, you’ll have the potential to get more blog traffic, email subscribers and social engagement.

That’s all without having to buy ads.

With RafflePress you can create giveaways in minutes, instead of spending hours perfecting every detail. Goal-based templates provide the perfect environment for giveaways that achieve your marketing goals faster. And, verified bonus actions can drive real engagement on social media. RafflePress nulled also integrates with a host of email marketing services, as well as Zapier to connect to even more apps.

Essentially it’s the ideal recipe to: grow your email list, increase engagement and generate more sales.




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