
この商品のタイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマを所有する会社は、弊社とは一切関係がなく、その会社は弊社にその製品やブランドをライセンスしていません。本製品は、タイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマの配布物であり、第三者の企業/開発者によって作成され、GPL(General Public Licence)の条項の下で弊社によって再配布されます。


Download GPL Prolancer 1.4.1 - マーケットプレイスWordPressテーマ

“Prolancer” – is a Freelance Marketplace WordPress theme with all necessary powerful features in freelancing. It has been designed and developed on the requirements of people interested in building freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork, and freelancer.com

the sellers would have the option to submit their proposals for buyers to review. Once a proposal is accepted, the buyer would be required to make the payment from the wallet system of that seller after the deduction of admin’s commission under the pending payments section. Once the project is completed and approved by the buyer, that amount will move from the pending balance section to the available balance in the seller’s wallet. The commission system would enable the admin to monetize this system.

“Prolancer” theme has a gig creation feature that allows the seller to provide offer services at their own price in multiple packages for example basic, standard, and premium packages. as like Fiverr




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