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ダウンロード Beaver Builder用GPL PowerPack 2.37.6

PowerPack is another popular Beaver Builder add-on that comes packed with new modules and templates.

In total, it comes with…

  • 55+ new modules
  • 200+ section templates to use in your designs
  • 150+ full-page templates for a variety of niches

The modules cover a wide range of uses, with everything from search forms to testimonials, restaurant menus, pricing tables, form stylers, and lots more.

There aren’t any WooCommerce modules in PowerPack, but the same developer makes a separate Beaver Builder add-on named WooPack which I’ll cover next.

The templates sport modern styling and cover a wide range of niches and styles.

PowerPack also includes white-labeling which lets you rebrand its interface to use your own branding.




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