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ダウンロード GPL OptinSpin 2.1.8 - WordPressゲーミフィケーションプラグイン

When it comes to Woo Commerce store plugins, there’s nothing more valuable than the main features of the plugin. The main features can undoubtedly make or break the plugin from existence. The Optin Spin Fortune Wheel plugin comes in with several features but here are some of the top ones that take the spotlight away from other competing plugins:

  • Fully Customizable Layout – Complete customization options for all Woo Commerce stores and business owners. The plugin allows each owner to completely transform the way the wheel looks, feels and works.
  • Change Color Of Each Section – Contrary to popular issues on other plugins, Optin Spin gives you the ability to change the color of each section. Make as much combinations as you may like and create excellent ROI based breakthroughs.
  • Add As Many Sections As You Want – No matter how many sections you want to add, you can. The customization is endless with this amazing plugin and you can really make the wheel yours with custom section additions.
  • Manage Sections With Drag-And-Drop Functionality – Having trouble with back-end codes? Not with OptinSpin! You have the ability to easily drag and drop your sections without any further problems whatsoever.
  • Set Probability For Each Section – Probability is what makes the wheel functionality work and with OptinSpin, you get the controls to that in your hands. Set the probability that you want to set.
  • Add Your Own Logo – Got a logo? Own your wheel completely by adding your logo to it easily. There’s a reason why this wheel makes it to the most-wanted-plugins list.
  • MailChimp Ready – Make your leads work in real-time with a super tag team like OptinSpin and Mailchimp. Easily integrate with both plugins easily for seamless email campaigns.
  • Customizable Email Templates – Each email to each customer gets customization as per your needs. Make your email look like what you’d want it to look like.
  • Link Woo Commerce Coupons Dynamically – Dynamically add your favorite Woo Commerce plugins with Optinspin. This plugin clearly takes customization to the next level for business owners.
  • Enable/Disable Sound While Wheel Spins – Some customers like sound, some don’t. Think you know your customers? Make the choice they’d make by easily enabling or disabling the sound option.
  • Enable/Disable Party Poppers On Winning – Need custom party poppers to celebrate the win with your customers? Enable or Disable as per your choice. It’s all customizable when Optin Spin is around.
  • Time Delay – Need a short time delay effect to make things even better? You’ve got it! The time delay option is another custom feature for you to enjoy.
  • Clickable Tab – Need your tabs to do more? Make them clickable! Yes, with the Optin Spin Plugin, you also have the ability to make clickable tabs for your woo commerce store.
  • Desktop and Mobile Exit Intent – Woah! Is your customer going away? Not a problem! With OptinSpin, you get mobile and desktop exit intent popups customized to your needs.
  • Add Your Privacy Link – Your privacy link is what makes it work for you in real time. With Optin Spin you can add your privacy link as well.




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