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ダウンロード GPL Gravity Forms Mailchimp Addon 4.8.0

Collect more mailing list subscribers with the best Mailchimp plugin for WordPress! Directly integrate all of your forms with Mailchimp to collect more mailing list subscribers and push your email marketing to the next level!

Seamless Integration

Directly integrate your forms with Mailchimp to gain more mailing list subscribers.

Why limit yourself to a single mailing list subscription field when you could capture new subscribers from any form on your site? With Gravity Forms and the Mailchimp add-on, every form on your WordPress site becomes a potential subscriber!

Packed with features and incredibly easy to use, we know you’ll fall in love with Gravity Forms just like millions of companies worldwide have.


Capturing just an email address is boring. Want to segment your mailing list subscribers like a pro? Our Mailchimp add-on allows you to capture any field in your form to use as a custom field in Mailchimp.

Powerful Opt-In Control

Why clutter your Mailchimp mailing lists with users who will never convert? Thanks to the raw power of Gravity Forms, you can now control which users opt into your mailing lists with just a few simple clicks.

Double Opt-In

Automatically send a double opt-in message to ensure only legitimate subscribers are added to your Mailchimp mailing lists.

GDPR Compliant

Need your mailing list forms to be GDPR compliant? Thanks to the powerful conditional logic of Gravity Forms, making your subscription forms GDPR compliant is as simple as a few clicks.

Conditional Logic

Want to only subscribe a user if they select a checkbox or other option? With Gravity Forms and the Mailchimp Add-On, you’ll be able to have more control over your subscriptions than ever before!




+133 3643 8551(V同期)