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ダウンロード GPL WPMU Dev Forminator Pro 1.34.0 - フォームビルダー

The Forminator plugin is the newest tool from WPMU DEV. You may know them as the team behind several other popular plugins, such as Hummingbird, WP Smush, and Custom Sidebars.

What sets this particular form plugin aside is its level of polish, as is the norm for WPMU DEV releases. Forminator provides a drag-and-drop editor you can use to create many different types of forms, including contact forms, polls, and even quizzes.

On top of that, the plugin integrates with several third-party services, such as Google Sheets, Zapier, Trello, MailChimp, and AWeber. In practice, this means you can use Forminator to collect data, emails, and almost any other type of information you can imagine.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning Forminator came right out of the gate with full support for the Gutenberg editor. That means if you’re already using the new editor, you get access to a Forminator block. Otherwise, you can use shortcodes to add your forms anywhere on your site.




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