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ダウンロードGPL Essential Grid Gallery 3.1.4 - WordPressプラグイン

Essential Grid comes with, there remains no doubt that it is the most powerful WordPress grid creator. Essential Grid handles various contents—like photographs, items, videos, posts, etc.—really well. Your theme’s content is arranged by Essential Grid in such a way that the visitor is better able to navigate and grasp it. Essential Grid is undoubtedly essential for WordPress whether you are a designer, blogger, photographer or e-commerce site owner, whatever industry you belong to. This is proven by the plugin’s 4.7 stars rating out of 5. So grab this grid solution for WordPress now.

Essential Grid Gallery is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to build great looking image, video and audio galleries from various sources! Use the adapted WordPress gallery functionality, posts and pages, include albums built with other plugins like NextGen Gallery, connect to the big social media streams like Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Flickr etc. or build a complete custom gallery grid. Our template library will give you example grids that will look outstanding on mobile devices too and are easy to configure and fill with your content!




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