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ダウンロード GPL Copy & Delete Posts Premium 1.3.7 - 重複投稿プレミアム

Copy & Delete Posts Premium nulled makes it super-easy to duplicate pages or copy posts – and delete them again!
And why is it handy to duplicate pages? Here are just some of the use cases:
Duplicate pages to make short work of using again the same elements you repeatedly use (e.g. text paragraphs, images, video, featured image, etc.)
Create a variation of a page or post fast to modify it and compare side by side (for yourself, your client or company)
Create one perfect set of page templates and then re-use them for different projects, clients or products
Apply a facelift to a specific page but keep the older version in case you want to switch back to it anytime
Make a “holiday special” page template and use it for different holidays with respective adjustments
Create duplicates for pages used in page builders with their custom settings




+133 3643 8551(V同期)