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ダウンロード GPL Beaver Builder Themer - WordPressテーマビルダー

Beaver Themer builds on top of Beaver Builder which is a fully-customizable drag and drop page builder for WordPress.

The original Beaver Builder plugin lets anyone customize pages by adding elements, changing colors, fonts, and styles using a visual editor.

By adding Beaver Themer you can take this a step further by creating custom templates for these pages that you can re-use many times over.

You have full control over how these templates work and where they’re applied. If you have a few different blog post styles you can apply templates to various post IDs or based on tags/categories. Same goes for custom archive pages, WooCommerce products, and custom post types.

Beaver Themer takes page building to the next level. This add-on behaves more like a theme builder where you can mess around with a theme’s templates and header/footer designs.

I’d say this plugin best suits anyone who prefers designing visually over writing code. It’s a great way to add custom styles into your WordPress site without touching a single template file.

Just note this is an add-on to the original Beaver Builder plugin so you do need both to get this running.




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