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ダウンロード GPL AffiliateWP Per Affiliate Landing Pages 1.0.4

Affiliate Landing Pages allows you to create dedicated landing pages for your affiliates, which they can promote without using an affiliate link.

Create and assign a dedicated landing page

With Affiliate Landing Pages, you can now create and assign a dedicated landing page (page or post) to each affiliate (or even to certain special affiliates). This landing page could display detailed information about the affiliate, show content specific to them, show content published by them, or absolutely anything you want! Potentially the most beautiful aspect of Affiliate Landing Pages is its utterly seamless integration with WordPress and the default WordPress editor. Simply build a landing page and assign it to an affiliate. Easy!

No affiliate link required!

Some people are extremely good at spotting an affiliate link. They hover over the link and look at the URL in the browser status bar. This is more common than you think; people like to know where that link is taking them! Some affiliate links can look “sketchy” and are packed with long query strings and random characters. Other people simply don’t like clicking on affiliate links at all, knowing that someone is going to earn a commission if they decide to purchase.

When a potential customer chooses not to click an affiliate link, it means a missed sale opportunity for you. Why take the chance?

By using Affiliate Landing Pages, there is no affiliate link in sight. Potential customers are more likely to click the link and purchase from your site.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)