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La société propriétaire du plugin/thème mentionné dans le titre de cet article n'est pas affiliée à nous de quelque manière que ce soit, et la société ne nous a pas accordé de licence pour ses produits ou ses marques. Ce produit est une distribution du plugin/thème mentionné dans le titre, créé par une société/développeur tiers et redistribué par nos soins selon les termes de la General Public Licence (GPL).

Nous utilisons le nom du plugin/thème dans le seul but d'identifier le plugin/thème sur lequel cette marchandise GPL est basée, avec l'intention d'aider les utilisateurs à mieux comprendre la fonctionnalité et les scénarios d'application possibles de notre produit, et en aucun cas pour se faire passer pour quelqu'un d'autre ou induire en erreur. Ce produit est vendu dans le cadre de l'accord de licence GPL, dont il respecte les termes, et garantit que les utilisateurs sont conscients qu'ils acquièrent une distribution du plugin/thème basée sur une licence open source. Ils sont autorisés à visualiser, modifier et redistribuer le logiciel afin de promouvoir sa libre utilisation et son développement.

Télécharger GPL Crocoblock JetWooBuilder Plugin 2.1.14

JetWooBuilder Widgets Overview

  • Single Add to Cart widget adds the Add to Cart button along with the number of pieces of product for purchasing. The button is needed when one has to add the product to cart.
  • Single Attributes widget is used to display the attributes which are added in the Product > Product Data in the Attributes block.
  • Single Content widget is used to display the content which is added in the Product content block. It has several style settings and allows displaying the already created content.
  • Single Excerpt widget is perfect for displaying the excerpt which is added in the Product Short Description field on the Product page.
  • Single Images widget makes it simple to add the product featured image to the product page and has stylization options available for setting up.
  • Single Meta widget embeds the SKU number, category and tag used for the product to the page, and allows changing the color, typography and alignment for this information.
  • Single Price widget makes it easy to embed the product price and sale price to the Single Product page. One can also customize the prices along with the currency signs.
  • Single Ratingwidget is invaluable when adding the product rating to the Single Product page and styling it up according to one’s vision.
  • Single Related Products widget makes it possible to display the related products list and style the colors and the typography for them. Note, that in the related products the widget displays the recently added products that have similar tags or categories.
  • Single Reviews Form widget allows displaying the reviews for the product along with the field for adding a new review. The Single Reviews Form widget is necessary when one wants the customers to be able to leave reviews.
  • Single Sale Badge widget makes it simple to add the Sale badge to the product’s page. Note, that one should set the Sale price in Products > Product Data Sale Price field to enable this functionality.
  • Single Sharing widget adds social icons for the product. Please, note that you need to install and activate the JetPack plugin for WordPress (it is completely free and available at wordpress.org) and set the icons for the JetWooBuilder templates et Product pages. The icons can’t be styled.
  • Single Tabs widget provides the opportunity to place the reviews and product description into tabs, which can be opened on click. This widget allows to effectively use the space of the Single Product page.
  • Single Title widget allows adding the product title to the Single Product page. It adds the title set on the Product page in the Title field and provides stylization settings for it.
  • Single Upsells widget adds the products which may also be needed by the customer when he purchases the product shown on the Single Product page. The upsell products can be set in Linked Products Upsells field available in Products > Product Data block.

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