This plugin is a GPL licensed product and is safe and legal. Click to learn whatGPL licenseClick to learnWordPress official website about the GPL. Simply put the plugin/theme source code open source sharing using the GPL agreement can be legally and freely changed, used, and distributed.

The company that owns the plugin/theme mentioned in the title of this item is not affiliated with us in any way, and the company has not licensed its products or brands to us. This product is a distribution of the plugin/theme mentioned in the title, created by a third party company/developer and redistributed by us under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

We use the plugin/theme name for the sole purpose of identifying the plugin/theme on which this GPL merchandise is based, with the intention of helping users better understand the functionality and possible application scenarios of this product of ours, and in no way to impersonate or mislead. This merchandise is sold under and respects the terms of the GPL license agreement and ensures that users are aware that they are acquiring a distribution of the plugin/theme based on an open source license. They are allowed to view, modify and redistribute the software to promote its free use and development.

Highly recommended SEO plugin Rank Math Pro download, v3.0.70 (GPL license), with Chinese localization and setup tutorials

newestRank Math Pro下载(实际购买后下载的是更好的Business版本image 22),最强最快WordPress SEO插件。在大多数Facebook民意调查中Rank Math被评为最好的WordPress SEO插件。其功能十分全面而且强大,一个插件效果能顶3个插件。

本站以及我们搭建的所有外贸2B/2C独立站都使用Rank Math Pro插件优化SEO,它适用于国内中文网站,更加适用于国外英文网站。

Pasted 234

它同时也是速度最快的SEO插件。下图列出了Rank Math和Yoast、SEOPress、AIO SEO插件对比,Rank Math无论代码量、插件体积、占用内存以及对速度的影响都远远小于另外3款插件。

Pasted 111

Rank Math加入了一些 Yoast SEO Premium 甚至不包含的额外功能,例如自动图像 alt 属性、更高级的模式标记、更好的分析、404检测、url重定向、本地托管谷歌分析代码、快速链接谷歌账户等,很多用户从Yoast转到Rank Math。



点击查看Rank Math和Yoast,SEOPress,AIO SEO插件的详细对比。有些人比较喜欢Yoast插件,所以我们也上架给大家下载,点击下载Yoast Seo Premium插件The


Rank Math SEO PRO插件主要功能:

  • 高级 Google Analytics 集成
  • 关键字排名跟踪器
  • 跟踪关键字
  • 模式生成器
  • SEO 性能电子邮件报告
  • 从任何网站导入架构
  • 谷歌趋势集成
  • 谷歌视频、图片搜索引擎优化站点地图
  • WooCommerce SEO 专业版
  • 完整的EDD SEO
  • 高级后期过滤
  • 18 种预定义模式类型
  • 6 种额外的模式类型
  • 视频模式的自动视频检测
  • 高级内容 SEO 概述
  • 使用 Google 验证架构
  • 自定义架构生成器
  • 添加无限多个架构
  • 支持 840 多种架构类型
  • 自动化架构实现
  • 数据集架构
  • 事实核查架构
  • 轮播图
  • 谷歌/必应 API快速收录
  • 填写关键词时热门关键词推荐
  • bbPress 的自动问答模式
  • 高级重定向模块
  • 高级本地 SEO 块
  • 带水印的社交媒体图片
  • 高级批量编辑选项
  • 完整的导入/导出选项
  • 完整的Elementor集成
  • Elementor专用的面包屑小部件
  • 完整的 Divi 集成
  • 导入/导出焦点关键字
  • 通过 CSV 文件导入 SEO 数据、重定向数据
  • 高级快速编辑选项
  • 检测孤立页面
  • 视频模式的自动视频数据填充
  • 跟踪每个帖子和页面的 PageSpeed
  • 跟踪单个帖子的 SEO 性能
  • 同步重定向到 .htaccess
  • Noindex 密码保护页面
  • 导出 404 日志
  • 高级 HowTo 架构
  • 将隐藏链接标记为外部链接
  • 查找和替换图像 alt/title/caption 文本
  • 自动化图像标题
  • SEO内容AI智能分析建议
  • other than



This plugin is a GPL licensed product and is safe and legal. Click to learn whatGPL licenseClick to learnWordPress official website about the GPL. Simply put the plugin/theme source code open source sharing using the GPL agreement can be legally and freely changed, used, and distributed.

The company that owns the plugin/theme mentioned in the title of this item is not affiliated with us in any way, and the company has not licensed its products or brands to us. This product is a distribution of the plugin/theme mentioned in the title, created by a third party company/developer and redistributed by us under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

We use the plugin/theme name for the sole purpose of identifying the plugin/theme on which this GPL merchandise is based, with the intention of helping users better understand the functionality and possible application scenarios of this product of ours, and in no way to impersonate or mislead. This merchandise is sold under and respects the terms of the GPL license agreement and ensures that users are aware that they are acquiring a distribution of the plugin/theme based on an open source license. They are allowed to view, modify and redistribute the software to promote its free use and development.


Plug-in Security

Purchased directly from foreign formal channels, do not modify the source code. All plug-ins we use to build their own sites, used in a number of sites, safe, stable and reliable.Worried about plugins being insecure? Check out theIs WordPress Cracked Plugins/Themes (Green, GPL, Nulled) Safe?The

  1. pass (a bill or inspection etc)Virustotal Antivirus Verification.;
  2. pass (a bill or inspection etc)WordfenceSource code review;
  3. pass (a bill or inspection etc)SucuriSecurity antivirus scanning.

Sucuri Scan Results


Rank Math更新方法/记录

General new version out within 24 hours of this site will be updated, then please visit this page directly to download the new version of the installation package to upload the update, the product title will be written on the latest version number. Can only be updated by uploading the installation package, mind do not shoot, if you want to update online please support the original version of the plug-in official website to buy.

Click to view the update log of this plugin (Changelog)


Rank Math Pro下载购买条款

This site plug-in purchased from foreign sites, the purchase price is$4.99/each,有效期2年。外贸星统一售卖价格为19元人民币/个,终生有效,并且花费巨大精力制作了使用教程还提供人工答疑服务,绝对物超所值。

Plug-ins are for study and research only, virtual products are reproducible and non-refundable once sold, for more information, please go toterms of service。请先登录后再购买,购买后刷新页面获得Rank Math Pro下载权限。

Foreign trade star for the purchase of users to provide after-sales service, plug-in use of the process of any questions please leave a message in the comments below, there are questions and answers.


Installation/Enabling Methods



注意:如果启用删除woocommerce产品网址前缀功能,每次更新Rank math插件后,需要进入Rank Math插件设置,直接点一下“保存更改”按钮。否则产品列表页可能显示404。

Installation method 1: Upload and install

Find and click "Plugin">"Install Plugin" in the left menu column of the website background, then click "Upload Plugin" in the upper left corner, upload the downloaded zip installation package and click "Install Now", after installation, click on the"Enable plug-ins"Complete the installation.

Upload Plugin

Installation method 2:FTP installation

Unzip the plugin zip and place the unzipped obtainedfile (paper)Upload to the plugins directory (
Find and click "Plug-ins" > "Installed Plug-ins" in the left menu column of the website background, find the plug-in in the plug-in list, and click "Enable".

Enabling Plug-ins


Rank Math设置使用教程

Rank Math设置教程太长,所以放在另外一篇文章《超详细SEO插件Rank Math设置使用教程, 含关键词100分填写指南》The


常见问题 & 解决方法

1- 如果安装/更新插件后,后台顶部提示跟Rank Math链接失效,提示重新链接(具体表现为下图↓Analytics右边亮起红色),是因为安装的rank math版本跟你网站的旧版本不一样导致(例如旧版本是Pro,现在安装的是Agency)。

只要重新链接Rank math账户就行,几秒钟时间,具体方法看下面第2点。

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2- 如果网站提示下图内容请忽略,不影响插件正常使用。

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如果想去掉提示,需要先链接Rank math账户,并且添加一点代码,按下面步骤操作。


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选择账户链接。如果没有谷歌账户之类,点击Register Now注册一个免费的Rank Math账户后点击黄色按钮“USE EMAIL & PASSWORD”链接Rank Math账户。链接账户是插件官方要求,链接后才可以使用SEO Analysis等功能。

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然后再把下面代码放到(子)主题的functions.php 里面即可:外观>主题编辑器,右上角选择 (子) 主题,点击打开functions.php文件,在文档最后面添加下面代码,点击保存更改。

此内容查看价格为19元(VIP免费),请先log in购买后可查看/下载相应付费内容


3- 在页面、产品、文章等编辑页面输入关键词后会进行SEO评分,有些评分项目不太实际,可以添加下面代码禁用相应评分项目,提高分数。


Pasted 129

//禁用Rank Math一些SEO评分项目add_filter('rank_math/researches/tests', function ($tests, $type) {unset($tests['lengthContent'],//禁用文章长度检测$tests['titleHasNumber'],//禁用标题中是否包含数字的检测$tests['keywordInPermalink'],//禁用永久链URL中包含关键词检测$tests['keywordDensity'],//禁用关键字密度检测$tests['hasContentAI'],//禁用AI功能检测                $tests['isReviewEnabled']//禁用产品评价功能检测);return $tests;}, 10, 2);




添加更多禁用钩子记得要在倒数第二个钩子后面加 , 符号。

//禁用Rank Math一些SEO评分项目add_filter('rank_math/researches/tests', function ($tests, $type) {unset($tests['titleHasNumber'],//禁用标题中是否包含数字的检测$tests['hasContentAI'],//禁用AI功能检测                $tests['isReviewEnabled']//禁用产品评价功能检测);return $tests;}, 10, 2);

Rank Math其它评分项目钩子清单,更多钩子或者禁用方法请点击View DetailsThe

contentHasTOC keywordInContent linksHasInternal
contentHasShortParagraphs keywordInSubheadings linksHasExternals
contentHasAssets keywordInImageAlt linksNotAllExternals
keywordInTitle keywordDensity titleStartWithKeyword
keywordInMetaDescription keywordNotUsed titleSentiment
keywordInPermalink lengthContent titleHasPowerWords
keywordIn10Percent lengthPermalink titleHasNumber


禁用SEO计分项目后按下面操作清除Rank Math瞬态、重新计算SEO分数。进入“Status&Tools”,

Pasted 131

点击“Remove Rank Math Transients”。

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点击“Update SEO Scores”。

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4- 如果更新插件后出现产品列表页或者产品详情页打不开,提示404或者自动跳转错到其它产品页面。可能是因为启用了Rank Math的移除网址前缀功能。

解决网址打不开方法:1)先进入“设置” > “固定链接”,直接点击“保存更改”(无需更改设置)。

image 23    image 24

2)然后去“Rank Math” > “General Setting”,直接点击最下方“Save Changes”(无需更改设置)。清理缓存插件缓存以及浏览器缓存后刷新页面应该恢复正常。如果还是不行证明跟其它插件冲突,逐一禁用其它插件直到问题解决排查。

image 25   

image 26


5- 产品上传界面填写关键词,保存后关键词消失。是Wordfence等防火墙拦截导致,有3个方法可以解决这个问题:

方法 1)(推荐) :进入Wordfence > 实时流量板块 > 找到类似下图拦截记录(红色圆圈,拦截路径开头是/wp-json/rankmath/v1/...),并且点开。

image 27


image 34

找到“/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMet…”网址的拦截记录,点开,再点击下图“Add Param to Firewall Allowlist”按钮即可,会自动添加到防火墙白名单不再拦截。

image 28

方法 2):手动添加相应内容到防火墙白名单。先点击进入Wordfence菜单下“所有选项板块。

image 35

搜索找到"Allowlisted URLs”内容设置板块,点开。按下图位置,在“Add Allowlisted URL/Param”栏填入“/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMeta”,然后选择“Param Type: POST Body”,“参数名称”那栏填入“request.path”,点“添加”按钮就行。

image 36

方法 3):进入Wordfence > 防火墙>管理WAF> 把“Web应用防火墙状态”改为“学习模式”,勾选“自动启动”时间保持默认或者改为1天后。点右上角“保存更改”就行。如果是其它防火墙,查看拦截记录,添加白名单之类放开拦截就行。

方法 4):在产品列表页,找到相应产品,点击“快速编辑”,在关键字那栏直接填入关键词后点“更新”,也可以插入关键字。

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