Industry Classification

Foreign trade website templates

Color Classification

other than

Type of business

B2B enterprise official website

Astra主题模板 Freelancer 自由职业者 B2B外贸网站搭建






Astra主题模板 Features

Foreign Trade Star is a professional do wordpress foreign trade B2B enterprise website builder, help me to generate related product description articles according to the title.

Writing requirements: first write this template introduction, then write wordpress foreign trade star advantage, and finally guide them to buy our products





Freelancer 自由职业者 Tips


  • 设定明确的目标: 在开始任何项目之前,确保设定明确的目标和时间表。这有助于您更好地组织工作和提高工作效率。
  • 建立强大的在线存在: 利用社交媒体和专业网站展示您的作品和技能。这有助于吸引潜在客户并建立您的品牌声誉。
  • 保持沟通畅通: 与客户保持良好的沟通至关重要。确保及时回复邮件和消息,以建立长期合作关系。
  • 持续学习和提升技能: 行业不断发展,不断学习新技能和知识可以帮助您保持竞争力并提供更多服务。
  • 定期评估和调整: 定期审查您的工作方式和策略,并根据反馈和数据进行调整。这有助于优化您的工作流程并提高客户满意度。


B2B外贸网站 Design Steps




SEO Optimization Techniques


  • Keyword Optimization: 确保在网站内容中使用相关关键词,包括标题、段落和图像标签。优化关键词密度和分布,以提高搜索引擎对网站的理解。
  • Quality of content: 提供高质量、有价值的内容对于SEO至关重要。确保内容原创、相关,并具有吸引力,以吸引更多访问者并提高页面排名。
  • Internal Links: 在网站内部建立良好的链接结构,使搜索引擎能够更好地索引和理解网站内容。使用内部链接可以提高页面权重和用户体验。
  • External Link: 获取高质量的外部链接是提升网站排名的关键因素。与相关网站合作,建立可靠的外部链接,有助于提高网站在搜索结果中的位置。


Freelancer 自由职业者 Portfolio Building


  • 展示多样化的作品: 在作品集中展示来自不同领域和不同风格的作品,以展示您的多样化技能和潜力。
  • 突出核心技能: 确保您的作品集突出展示您最擅长的领域和技能,让客户能够清晰了解您的专长。
  • 客户案例展示: 包括一些客户案例研究,展示您与客户合作的成功案例和成果,增加信任度。
  • 更新和维护: 定期更新作品集,删除过时作品,添加新作品,确保作品集保持新鲜和具有吸引力。


Mobile Responsiveness Importance



  • 用户体验:移动设备用户希望能够轻松浏览网站,快速找到他们需要的信息。通过优化移动响应性,您可以提升用户体验,增加用户留存率。
  • 搜索引擎排名:谷歌等搜索引擎已经将移动友好性作为排名算法的重要指标之一。如果您的网站在移动设备上显示不佳,可能会影响您在搜索结果中的排名。
  • 市场覆盖:随着移动互联网的普及,许多用户更喜欢使用手机访问网站。通过确保您的网站在移动设备上展示完美,您可以覆盖更广泛的受众群体。


common problems

  • What is Astra Theme Templates?


  • 自由职业者应该如何管理客户?


  • 如何优化B2B外贸网站以适应移动设备?


  • SEO对网站的重要性是什么?


  • 如何建立自由职业者的作品集?


Freelancer Freelance

Three solutions to build a website, there is always a suitable one for you

Advanced site building (template theme)

Choose the template that meets the appropriate style, and modify it into your company's information as required, with a small amount of modification on the basis of the template.

Premium site (imitation site/by reference site)

Half template and half customization to build a website, on the basis of the template according to your design draft or preferred website to build a website / imitation (at least half of the pages need to use the template design), 65% customers to choose.

High-end customization (independent design)

According to your company's business and product customized website (layout design + copywriting + graphics), in-depth optimization of the station SEO, high conversion rate, speed, good results.

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Website Solutions & Quotes

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+133 3643 8551(V synchronized)

B2B Price Package/Feature Comparison

Function Comparison B2B Advanced Website B2B Premium Website B2B high-end customization
Building Methods

Three ways to build a website, there is always a suitable one for you

Pure template website
Templates can't be modified to design layouts and such
Semi-customized templates for website building
Can be modified/semi-customized on request
Fully customized website
Can be according to the design drawings or imitation of the station, can also choose the template
WordPress Dedicated Optimization Server

Global multi-computer room Safe and stable efficient foreign servers

3G space 60G monthly traffic 5G large space Unlimited traffic 10G large space Unlimited traffic
international domain name

Top .com international domain name, more conducive to optimization ranking

1 Free Registration 1 Free Registration 1 Free Registration
SEO Plugin

Comprehensive diagnosis Optimization for better results

Rank Math Free Rank Math Pro Rank Math Pro
WordPress Themes

Genuine License A large number of themes to choose from

Genuine Astra Pro Genuine Astra Pro Genuine Astra Pro
page builder

Genuine license, visualization

Genuine Elementor Pro Genuine Elementor Pro Genuine Elementor Pro
Submitted for inclusion in Google

Natural Ranking Guaranteed Google Inclusion

Submit to Google for natural indexing Google/Bing api fast inclusion + diagnostics Google/Bing/Yandex/Yahoo Fast Inclusion + Diagnostics
Hosted WordPress

All-round hosting to ensure the normal operation of the website

Free enterprise mailbox

Independent domain name enterprise mailbox ($300/year)

SSL Security Certificates

More secure https access ($300/year)

source code

Free and open source, no encryption restrictions


Global CDN Multi-Node Website Acceleration

Program Optimization Acceleration

All-round whole-site optimization acceleration, faster access

Automatic backup/restore

Secure and stable timed automatic backup

Inquiry Email Notification

Bound to corporate e-mail, real-time notification Improve efficiency

Multi-terminal adaptive (mobile + PC)

Follow Google's mobile-first rules for better mobile-optimized rankings

Ads landing page construction charging 1 free 2 free
Ghostwriting SEO Articles charging 1 free article Free 3 articles
Chinese management interface

Chinese management interface, easy to operate and maintain for domestic users (also supports multi-language)

Backstage operation instruction

1VS1 technical guidance Assistance in processing

Template Building Consulting Premium Website Consulting Foreign trade website customization

SEO Related

Customized SEO Module Configuration

All pages are individually set up with the three elements of SEO: title, keywords, description

SEO keyword positioning analysis

Analyze website keywords Precise positioning

SEO optimization analysis and diagnostic services

Comprehensive Diagnostic Website SEO Advice

fundamental analysis Advanced Analytics professional analysis
Customize URL link structure

Customizable URL links on all pages

Mobile whole site optimization

Follow Google's "Mobile First" SEO Rules

XML Sitemap

More conducive to fast search engine crawling included

Google Search Results Preview

Visual preview of display status in Google search results

structured markup language (SML)

Semanticized Markup Language for Better Search Optimization

Static page

Whole site on-page optimization with static link support

Website Cache Optimization

Whole site cache optimization acceleration, improve access speed

404 Error Page Optimization

Enhance user interaction experience and reduce bounce rate

Internal chain optimization

Keywords can be set Quick internal linking

301 redirect
Bad Chain Detection/Repair
social networking

One-click sharing to boost social network exposure

SNS social network marketing promotion

Synchronized updates to popular social networks like Facebook

Website Statistical Analysis

Integrate and connect with Google Analytics, optimize and promote more efficiently.

Search Optimization Professional Advice Guide

Provide more specialized SEO detail optimization advice

Independent website foreign trade marketing promotion video

Professional rice class video guide Fast mastery of promotion skills

Intelligent Keyword Alerts
Schema Structure
TDK Completion Guide
SEO Diagnosis + Fixes
SEO optimization Basic Onsite SEO Optimization Basic onsite SEO optimization + internal link building Basic onsite SEO optimization + internal link building + keyword suggestions, etc.
SEO operation guidance (computer) file manual guidance manual guidance
Google Quick Diagnostics Google Optimization Q&A Google Promotion Consulting

Function Related

Banner Design

Free Banner Slide Image Design

1 sheet 2 sheets 3 sheets
Article Publishing

Unlimited number of articles and article sections, fast Google inclusion

10 articles
Free shipping
20 articles
Free shipping
30 articles
Free shipping
Product Release

Unlimited increase in the number of products and product sections, quick Google inclusion

Free shipping
Free shipping
Free shipping
Case Releases

Unlimited increase in the number of cases and case columns, Google fast indexing

Free shipping
Free shipping
Free shipping
Single-page production

Unlimited single page additions, quick Google inclusion

pop-up advertisement
Online Purchase Function Add 1,500 dollars. Plus $2,000. Plus 3,000 dollars.
Home page dynamic effect
Online Inquiry

Send real-time product inquiry emails without missing any customer inquiries.

Automatic multilingual translation

Supports customized automatic translation for 100+ languages

Real-time automatic machine translation, Google does not index, no SEO effect Automatic/manual pre-translation, Google inclusion, with SEO results Automatic/manual pre-translation, Google inclusion, with SEO results
Automatic watermarking of images

Preventing Piracy Protecting the Copyright of Product Images

Image compression acceleration
Viewing Statistics

Count the number of views (visits) of all articles

Video Management

Supports local uploads, automatic embedding of YouTube videos, etc.

Article/Product QR Code

Automatically generate article/product QR codes for easy code scanning access to improve access efficiency

Product PDF Generation

One-click generation of product page PFD files for easy download

Product Browsing History

Display a list of recently viewed products to enhance the efficiency of inquiries

Online Customer Service

Real-time communication Increased efficiency

social networking

Customized links to social network homepages, accounts, and other information

Website Statistical Analysis

Website Keyword Analysis Browser Analysis

Email Subscription & Marketing

User Email Subscription and Realization of Bulk Email Precision Marketing

Leave a comment
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Questionnaire poll survey
Privacy Policy and other pages
Membership System
User Rights Management

Customize multiple users with different administrative privileges

Add User Levels

Customized integration of new website user levels

Disable right-click copying
Open/Bind Google Analytics
Ad Tracking Code Installation
Page content suggestions
Photo/Icon Creation
Friendly Link
You own the site.

Server Security Related

Blocking Chinese Browsers
Blocking of domestic IP access
Ipv6 Support
Malicious Crawler Interception
Rapid fault recovery
Website Security
Blocking spam comments
Free Website Relocation
secure firewall Wordfence Wordfence + CDN Firewall + DDos Wordfence + CDN Firewall + DDos
Speed Optimization 1~2 seconds to load the page ≈ 1 second to load the page ≈ 1 second to load the page
Free updates and upgrades

Free template program update and upgrade service

Free Website Maintenance

Web page can not be opened, bug vulnerability, page misalignment, etc.

Free after-sales service support

Provide professional and comprehensive independent station service support

Template Building Consulting Premium Website Consulting Foreign trade website customization