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Featured Plug-ins

Showing 61–64 of 64 results

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  • Featured Plug-ins

    Custom Fields Plugin Advanced Custom Fields Pro Download (ACF), v6.3.6, GPL

    自定义字段插件Advanced Custom Fields Pro下载(ACF), GPL授权开心版, 含使用教程。ACF是最好的自定义字段插件,可以在产品、文章等上传界面增加额外的自定义内容输入框(文字,图片,视频,表格等),并且显示在前端页面。

  • Featured Plug-ins

    Asset CleanUp Pro plugin Asset CleanUp Pro download, v1.2.5.8, GPL License

    资产清理插件Asset CleanUp Pro下载。Wordpress最好的CSS/JS资产清理插件之一,通过禁用一些无用的代码减小页面体积和加载资源的速度,消除阻止渲染,极大提升网页加载速度。同时具有本地托管字体,禁用/加速谷歌字体,禁用不需要的wordpress功能,生成关键CSS等功能。附带设置、使用教程。

  • Featured Plug-ins

    Asset Cleanup plugin Perfmatters download, v2.3.3, GPL, with setup tutorials

    Excellent resource optimization plugin for Wordpress that greatly improves website speed: disable useless features and useless code, remove useless CSS, asynchronous/delayed JS loading, delayed image loading, clean up databases, change login address and more. Examples include disabling emoticons, XML-RPC, RSD links, short links, RSS feeds and many other unused features to speed up websites.

  • Featured Plug-ins

    Lightweight Social Sharing Plugin Novashare Download, v1.5.3, GPL License (with Count, Google Stats)


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